How To acknowledge Fair Housing Questions

Managers - How To acknowledge Fair Housing Questions

Hi friends. Yesterday, I discovered Managers - How To acknowledge Fair Housing Questions. Which may be very helpful in my opinion and you. How To acknowledge Fair Housing Questions

A landlord has a lot of responsibilities. Not only does he or she have to make sure that the rental asset is livable. The landlord should also be able to operate the business without breaking any laws. One law that is maybe ordinarily broken by many landlords is the Fair Housing Act. Under this law, sellers and landlords are forbidden from restricting person to buy or rent a asset because of that person's background.

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A landlord therefore cannot use race, ethnicity, gender, marital status, or corporal disability as a presume for not approving an application from a potential tenant. But what if the tables are turned and it is the potential tenant who asked about the blend of a neighborhood or complex? For example, a tenant might ask about the racial blend nearby the ready unit.

When answering this question, the landlord or the asset owner has to be very careful. The first thing that should be kept in mind is that such a request does not necessarily mean that the potential tenant is intent on discriminating.

For example, if a potential tenant makes a joke about a clear race, religion, or ethnicity in the presence of the asset owner or landlord and then later on asked about the blend of the population living in the involved where the unit for rent is located, it could raise some red flags. If you are the landlord or asset owner and you answered the question, you could end up breaking the law.

Some landlords might find it easiest to just tell the truth. But what is the truth? Do you have stupendous data to tell the potential tenant that there is this singular ration of a singular race living near the complex?

By answering such questions with the "truth", the owner or the landlord could violate or cause a violation of the fair housing law. The latter is true if the response resulted in discrimination. It might be what is intended but the important thing to look at is what happened because of the response. In the court of law, the intention takes a back seat to what nothing else but happened.

If you are a asset owner and the landlord recommend or recommended that you only approve application from a clear race or to outright reject an application from person in the protected class, you have to do your job to protect the landlord. This means that you have to tell him or her that the advice or advice would constitute breaking the fair housing law.

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