Portrait sculpture

Portrait sculpture

Trafalgar - Portrait sculpture

Good evening. Today, I learned all about Trafalgar - Portrait sculpture. Which is very helpful to me and you.

Man has all the time been concerned in his image and likeness. Portrait sculpture touches us because it brings us face to face with population from the past and preserves the features, expression, clothes and jewellery of a time now gone. We can see the costumes of Pharaohs or Shakespeare, the face of beauties from history, and the true likeness of heroes who have been immortalised in stone or metal. The portrait sculptor is responsible for this and has even had an succeed on our currency with heads on coins.

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Sculptures furnish an ethnographic article of our history and never cease to engage us because of the human interest.

Some of the oldest known portrait sculptures are of Egyptians and they are found on tombs, but bronze sculptures have been found in the tombs of Chinese emperors, in Pompeii and colse to Mesopotamia.

Early sculptures were made from clay and stone, but the discovery of the ability to smelt metal led to bronze becoming a favorite medium.

The industrial revolution enabled foundries to spring up all over the place and population desired to have their likeness cast in metal. Paris was a single hub for sculptors in the 1800's and the art form drew in population from far and wide to make use of the talents of the artists.

Although the first portrait sculptures were only accessible to the wealthy or famous, they are now more widely available. However, they are still a luxury item as they require the skills of trained artist.

Even today, the portrait sculptor is not out of business. In fact, we have not diminished our desire for portraits at all and they are still commissioned to honour and give public recognition to the dead, such as Nelson in Trafalgar Square, London.

A sculpture of a fellow human helps to reserve their memory and honour them, and maybe this could be the speculate for our enduring love affair with them.

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